The aim of COSEC project (Biogenic CO2 capture into Sustainable Energy Carriers: A novel photosynthetic and hydrogenotrophic CO2 fixation combined with waste nutrient upcycling for production of carbon negative energy carriers) is to develop a disruptive nature-based solution for capture of CO2 directly from the effluent gases of bioenergy production systems with a concomitant strategy to upgrade the fixed CO2 (algae biomass) into sustainable liquid and gaseous energy carriers, and further integrate them into the bioenergy combustion system to attain a true carbon circularity. To achieve this:

  1. We will develop a novel photosynthetic platform for capturing biogenic CO2 into energy rich algae biomass using nutrients from waste streams. Specifically, we will focus on the development of resilient strains for improving their robustness to flue gas toxicity with concurrent ability to efficiently assimilate nutrients from waste streams. Simultaneously, we will develop innovative, cost-effective and sustainable biomass production & pretreatment methods to enhance energy content and remove nitrogen suiting biocrude and biogas production.
  2. We will upgrade the captured CO2 (algae biomass) into two widely used renewable energy carriers; biocrude and biogas, maintaining the highest technical efficiency. Special attention will be given to improving the efficiency of existing bioconversion processes to best suit the algae biomass conversion with synchronised valorisation of byproducts (hydrochar and digestates), and recycling of the aqueous nutrient stream and off-gas in order to improve the sustainability of the process.
  3. We will develop affordable and efficient methods for biocrude and biogas upgrading into biofuel and biomethane using renewable H. Special focus will be given to improving efficiency of catalytic hydrotreatment of biocrude, and innovative renewable H assisted gas-to-cell bioreactors for biomethane production.

The need

In Europe, 437 million tonnes per year (Mt/y) CO2 are produced by solid biomass combustion. Additionally, ~70 Mt/y CO2 are estimated to be produced by biogas upgrading, biogas combustion, as well as bioethanol and other fermentation processes. This accounts for a potential of 507 Mt/a CO2 currently available, which is nearly 7 times the current European industrial CO2 demand (Rodin et al. 2020). Given the EU's commitment to substantial CO2 reduction and the ambitious target of achieving climate neutrality by 2050, there is a pressing need for significant investments in technologies aimed at enhancing the efficiency and sustainability of bioenergy production.

The challenge

As per the Renewable Energy Directive (May 2023) newly established biomass-based heat and power plants are required to achieve a reduction of at least 70% (increasing to 80% by 2026) in greenhouse gas emissions compared to the fossil fuel alternative. In addressing the ambitious goal, a significant challenge lies in the development of innovative solutions capable of efficiently utilising effluent gases from bioenergy combustion systems. The challenge encompasses the design and implementation of cost-effective and robust system components that can navigate the complexities of flue gas toxicity and seamlessly integrate with bioenergy combustion systems while maintaining technical efficiency and sustainability throughout this process. The challenge also lies in enhancing the competitiveness and driving down costs while improving the overall efficiency of the bioenergy value chains.


The success of the proposed project paves the way for the widespread implementation of the COSEC systemic solution and establishes a solid foundation for replication in various EU regions, especially those in transition from fossil fuels. The assurance of adopting our circular systemic solution stems from its bioeconomy proposition, transcending regional boundaries. This innovative approach serves as a valuable learning opportunity, validating circular methodologies and extending their applicability beyond the biogenic energy sector to encompass the fossil- based energy sector, whether within or outside the EU. The integration of circular nutrient management in this initiative holds immense potential for addressing critical challenges, including significant reduction of CO2 emissions, thus contributing to the realisation of the EU's NetZero targets. Moreover, it plays a crucial role in curbing biodiversity loss and preventing deforestation. Beyond environmental benefits, the project also serves as a catalyst for job creation in economies where such opportunities are paramount, thus presenting a multifaceted solution.

Project aim

COSEC’s overarching goal is to pioneer energy-efficient and sustainable techniques to capture CO2 from effluent gases originating from bioenergy (biomass and biogas) combustion systems, with an aim to (1) Achieve >90% CO2 capture efficiency and demonstrate a 20% increase in algae productivity compared to current algal production systems, and (2) achieve a continuous operation of the integrated CO2 capture system, by demonstrating the capture of 10 t CO2/y, with at least 80% capture efficiency for 60 days. Our mission extends beyond mere carbon capture to transform the captured CO2 into potentially negative energy carriers, which is a crucial stride towards realising carbon circularity and reshaping the future of energy and environmental sustainability and affordably.

COSEC project aims to systematically tackle one of the main challenges within the bioenergy value chain by converting biogenic CO2 into renewable energy carriers, thereby addressing systemic issues. Rooted in extensive research and development focused on photosynthetic CO2 fixation by microalgae and cyanobacteria (biogenic gas pretreatment), the project focuses on transforming these biogenic feedstocks into sustainable liquid and gaseous energy carriers using innovative nature-based solutions coupled to bioenergy technologies. Emphasising affordability and robustness, COSEC will develop renewable H -assisted processes to enhance these energy carriers with a paramount commitment to sustainability. The techno economic feasibility and sustainability of end- to-end processes will be optimised through the evaluation of multiple approaches to CO2 fixation and energy carrier upgrading. To validate our findings, we will implement a first-of-its-kind decentralised modular and scalable pilot plant, demonstrating its replicability through strategic partnerships within the energy industry.

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